How My Mom Became the Side Chick

My sisters and I would occasionally show up cuddling a new kitten or dog from a neighbor's new litter.  We were always greeted with the same response.  "No! You can take tha...

The Impact of Stories on Your Life

As a Guided Autobiography Facilitator and life story coach, I know that writing your life story has many benefits and yet when I was faced with writing my own life story, I ex...

Naming Crimes

[Pictured in photo are me and my four kids around 1983 baking cookies during the holidays.] When my youngest sister brought her first baby home, no one noticed there was a pr...

How Did You and Daddy Meet?

When my kids asked about the day I met their father I recall that Friday night in 1968 when I had just settled in after a busy week of teaching junior high kids. Here’s what ...

Close Call

[Photo of my son, Herbert T. Brown, III at one year old.--1975-2016] In a recent newsletter, I shared my story of how my planned babies' names were stolen  almost a decade be...

Clean the Kitchen

The aroma would greet us at the door whenever my husband cooked his favorite dish.   “Hm-mm. What’s that?”   I call it “Clean the kitchen,” he’d announce.   He passed in...

Be Your Number One Fan

Be Your Number One Fan: The Key to Leading a Vibrant and Purposeful Life When I set up what a popular social media site used to call a "fan page," there was a tip suggesting ...

Let Your Life Story Carry Dr. King's Legacy Forward

  “The only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve.”(Albert Schweitzer)   The Call of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Nati...

Attending Obama's First Inauguration

I had never considered or desired attending a Presidential Inauguration until President Obama was elected in 2008. I felt compelled by the spirits of my ancestors to witness ...

A Script of Grief: A Mother's Healing Begins

No matter how many dead people I've seen in murder mysteries in my lifetime, I wasn't prepared for the day I found my 40 year-old son dead from a massive heart attack. But I ...

The Macaroni and Cheese Party

"Hi Mom, whatcha doing?" Ada, my college-junior-daughter began. "At the beauty shop about to get my hair done, so I can't talk long right now. What's up?" " My coworkers and...

What Does Your Christmas Tree Say About You?

It wasn't until I read a post by another blogger about her less-than-perfect Christmas tree, that I began to reflect on my own tree story. My mother and father always put up ...

Dashing Through the Door

Growing up in the 50's was somewhat like working for Door Dash A neighbor would call to borrow a cup of sugar Whichever kid was nearby Was assigned to deliver it. A finished e...

Glimpse Inside a Family Time Machine

Glimpse Inside a Family Time Machine Every Tuesday my mother left the house and headed to do her weekly shopping in downtown St. Louis, Missouri. It was the only day other t...

Are You Missing the Beam?

[Image generated by DALL-E in ChatGPT 4o] At the end of a longitudinal study about the spread of happiness in a social network, a reader commented:"In another more distant ti...

The Faux Pas That Gave Me Pause

Something was wrong. The congregation applauded, giving me a standing ovation. I returned to my seat next to the pastor’s wife on the pulpit, tingling with joy as I scanned ...

Creating A+ Content on Amazon KDP for Your Book

When you publish your book on Amazon KDP platform, you want to take advantage of all the opportunities they give you to promote and market your book.  Three ways to do this a...

Start Your Novel on Nov. 1st with NaNoWriMo

[Image courtesy of National Novel Writing Month]   Every year as trick-or-treaters trail home on Halloween to tally their loot, writers around the world flex their fingers i...

Remembering Our Fathers

Happy Father's Day to these beloved fathers, each memorable and unique in his own way. Before you ask, I'm the tall one on the right in the top right photo, shot in my mothe...

The First Mother's Day I Picked My Mom Up in a Limousine

When my first child became a high school senior, it had become common for parents to rent limousines to take their kids to and from the proms. They felt it was safer than ha...

Disregard Sensible Advice

[Photo by Nathan Gentry on Unsplash] "A slow death comes for those who don’t revolt when they’re unhappy in their work or in love. Who don’t risk the certain for the uncert...

Sending you love

You are worthy.  You are valued.  You matter.   tags:  memoir, biography, autobiography, family, history, legacy, letter, preserving, write, life, story, reminisce, memories...

5 Ways to Make a Splash and More Cash at Your Next Book Signing

How did you do at your last book signing? If you're like many authors, you sold three or fewer books. If you expect to do better than this grim statistic, you've got to gear u...

Capture Your Memories One Story at a Time

Writing about your childhood memories and family stories is one of the best ways to preserve and reflect on the milestones and events that shaped who you have become to pass o...

Be Your Own First Fan

When I set up what a popular social media site used to call a fan page, there was a tip suggesting I be the first to sign up for my fan club. Good thing they posted that sugge...

California Offers Weather for All

Who knew there is snow in Southern California? I did, of course, and the rest of us Californians. But folks in other parts of the country are always shocked to learn that we...

Caught Being Good!

"Grandma, look! I was caught being good!"  my youngest grandson announced with a broad smile showing off an award ribbon years ago when he was in elementary school. "What...

Cultivate Happiness by Flowing with the Seasons

You will pass through many seasons in your lifetime. Your happiness depends on how you manage them.  When my children were young our family life revolved around their care, s...

Three Tips to Gain Confidence

“Nerves and butterflies are fine – they’re a physical sign that you’re mentally ready and eager.  You have to get the butterflies to fly in formation, that’s the trick.”  ~S...

What Will Rock Your World?

Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted. ~ Albert Einstein It was minutes before the Mistress of Ceremonies introduced me...

5 Ways Sharing Your Personal Story Promotes Your Business Success

   When you begin a business, there is often a goal beyond just making money. Your potential clients and customers want to know your origin story. What happened in your life,...

Ready, Set, Write! Join the Annual Race to 50,000 Words

Every year as trick-or-treaters trail home on Halloween to tally their loot, writers around the world flex their fingers in readiness for National Novel Writing Month, better ...

Detective Mom and the Truth

Welcome to Our Guest BloggerMarie Mason   Growing up as a child in a different time that I live in now, I was always taught to be seen and not heard as a girl growing up in ...

Moon Sister

We're happy to turn the STUDENT SPOTLIGHTonGreta Nagelfor her story"Moon Sister"as part of the Winter 2021 Life Story Class   I once wrote a short paragraph about my sister...

Memorable Years on the Farm

We're happy to turn the STUDENT SPOTLIGHTonDyan Ventersfor her story"Memorable Years on the Farm"as part of the Winter 2021 Life Story Class   Wow!  How did I get here?  Th...

Traditions Matter: It's Not Christmas Until Max's Coffee Cake is Ready

  We're happy to turn the STUDENT SPOTLIGHTon Don Ebbertsfor his story, "Traditions Matter: It's Not Christmas Until Max's Coffee Cake is Ready"as part of the Your Life Stor...

5 Ways to Summon Your Memories to Write Your Life Story

Writing your life story is important to you, but it is often still a challenge to know where and how to get started. That's why during November, Family Stories Month, I create...

Once Upon a Time You Died Before We Really Knew You

 [Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash] When we think of stories, we often flash back to the ones we read as children that began “Once upon a time…” Or we admire ...

Use Your Secret Power to Get Through the Pandemic and Other Gifts o...

“You have power over your mind — not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”– Marcus Aurelius   At the beginning of 2020, I had trouble getting things don...

100+ Ways to Find Relief, Comfort, and Meaning During the Pandemic

Did you thoughtfully list your 2020 New Year’s resolutions and set big goals at the end of 2019? If you’re someone who plans ahead, you paid your final deposit on that cruise...

Black History Month Trailblazers and Changemakers 2020-DAY 29: Cart...

Carter Godwin Woodson, was an African American historian, author, publisher, and the father of Black History Month which began as Negro History Week in February 1926. He was a...

Black History Trailblazers and Changemakers-DAY 28: Bill Pickett

Bill Pickett was a rodeo star, actor, and the first African American cowboy.  He won acclaim for being the first to perform bulldogging, a rodeo event that involves wrestling ...

Black History Trailblazers and Changemakers 2020-DAY 27: Dr. Ronald...

Ronald Erwin McNair was a physicist and NASA astronaut.  He was the second African American astronaut in space with the launch of the STS-41B mission of the Space Shuttle Chal...

Black History Trailblazers and Changemakers 2020-DAY 26: Ann Atwater

Ann Atwater born July 1, 1935 in Hallsboro, NC, was a fierce civil rights activist, not afraid to speak up and encourage others to do the same. In 1971 in Durham, North Caroli...

Black History Trailblazers and Changemakers 2020-DAY 25: Dr. Lisa W...

Dr. Lisa Willams, a mom, professor, and founder of a multi-million dollar company created and launched a doll line to honor the beauty and intelligence of multicultural childr...

Black History Trailblazers and Changemakers 2020--DAY 24: Octavia E...

 Octavia Butler, born June 22,1947 in Pasadena, California , made her mark as an  African American author in the science fiction genre which had previously been dominated by w...

Black History Trailblazers and Changemakers 2020--DAY 23: The Fisk ...

The Fisk Jubilee Singers are an American a cappella ensemble that was formed in 1871 at Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee.  The school was founded in 1866 and originally...

Black History Trailblazers and Changemakers 2020-DAY 22: Jane Bolin

Jane Matilda Bolin was born April 11, 1908 in Poughkeepsie, New York, and in 1939 was sworn in as the first black woman judge in the United States. Her interest in the law, h...

Black History Trailblazers and Changemakers 2020--DAY 21: The Platters

To those of us who swooned to the sweet romantic styling of The Platters in the 1950’s, they are an intact rock and roll group that carried us through our teen years. In reali...

Black History Trailblazers and Changemakers 2020--DAY 20: Henrietta...

 DAY 20: Henrietta Lacks is an African American woman whose unique cells were taken without her knowledge while she was hospitalized for cervical cancer and are the source of ...
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