Not sure where
or how to start?
Put your mind at ease AND get focus with our free resources.
I promise they will help you build your confidence and put you on sure footing to preserve your memories for now and generations to come.

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In The Next Few Months, You Could…
✅Finally have your life story written
✅Have pride in yourself for following through
✅Be sharing your life story with your family
The right move can make all the difference. We’ll cover all this in the "Write Your Life Story, One Memory at a Time Workshop" Sign up ▶️here to be notified when enrollment opens.

"I had a wonderful experience in your workshop. I want to write small vignettes that can be inserted into a family genealogy as I alone have many family stories of people who have passed. I also have funny stories of people who have not passed that I want to keep private."
~Nedra Kipp

"Flora is truly a professional in every manner. Not only is she an expert at what she does, but she made me feel like family. Flora speaks and teaches from actual life experience. Everyone in the room will feel her passion. Flora truly speaks softly, but carries BIG life lessons in what she teaches."
~L.T. Money

"Flora Brown came into my life when attending a Best-Selling Author Workshop. Flora is already an award-winning author but, still, she wanted to make sure her clients wanting to write their own books could access models that could work with their own styles. Flora took all that she'd learned about writing and marketing her own book COLOR YOUR LIFE HAPPY and used it to launch future authors. Flora is an educator, counselor, author, radio show host, certified publishing coach and fabulous inspirer to would-be authors. Dr. Flora Brown is truly a force of nature!