The Macaroni and Cheese Party

family holidays memories Dec 26, 2024

"Hi Mom, whatcha doing?" Ada, my college-junior-daughter began.

"At the beauty shop about to get my hair done, so I can't talk long right now. What's up?" "

My coworkers and I have been talking about food we love for the holidays, and I mentioned how great your macaroni and cheese is. Then I got an idea." she continued.

"You did? Make it fast."

"Could I invite them over during holiday break so they can taste your macaroni and cheese?"

"I have a better idea. I don't mind making the macaroni and cheese. Then you could take some to work with you instead of inviting a flock of people over. Besides, who invites people over for just one dish?"

"Mo-o-o-m!" She always stretched Mom into a 5-letter word when she was building a case.

"Gotta go! It's my turn!" promptly hanging up.

I wasn't off the hook though.

By the time I got home from the beauty shop, Ada had created a stronger case.

Her office mates who weren't able to go home for the holidays would especially enjoy a home-cooked meal.

She caught me at a weak moment and I gave in. How bad could it be to have some of her classmates and coworkers over before Christmas. So, we set the date. I cooked a full-blown meal, of course, and it turned out to be a wonderful event.

Fast forward to one year later. I was at the beauty shop again when Ada called, "People are asking me when is the Macaroni and Cheese Party?"

"The what?"

"Our annual Macaroni and Cheese Party!" she said as if it was a thing.

"That was a one-time event, Ada, not the start of an annual event!"


That is how the Macaroni and Cheese Party started in 2006 and became an annual event.

After a few years, I wised up and switched it to a potluck so I wasn't doing all the cooking. We renamed it, The Brown Family and Friends Holiday Potluck, and it's held the second Saturday of December, except during the pandemic and in 2023 when I was brought down by COVID.

It has expanded beyond just eating delicious food to include a number of games and activities:

    • Get Acquainted IceBreaker
    • Gingerbread Cookie Decorating Contest
    • Puzzle assembly contest
    • Guess What's in the Secret Santa Stocking
    • Unscramble Christmas Words
    • Christmas Bingo
    • The Finale: A "hot potato" prize that is passed around the circle when as I read a story called "The Right Family." The prize is passed around the circle of participants to their "left" or "right" as the story unfolds. The the winner is the one holding the prize at the end. The prize this year was an Echo. Last year it was a gift basket.

Who would have thought macaroni and cheese would be the start of a holiday party that has lasted over an 18-year span.

Do you have an event or a recipe in your family that had an innocent or unique beginning and has become a tradition? That could become one of your memories for your life story.  Need help getting started? Make a 30-minute discovery appointment with me at Dr.FloraWillChat



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