How My Mom Became the Side Chick

My sisters and I would occasionally show up cuddling a new kitten or dog from a neighbor's new litter.  We were always greeted with the same response.  "No! You can take tha...

Naming Crimes

[Pictured in photo are me and my four kids around 1983 baking cookies during the holidays.] When my youngest sister brought her first baby home, no one noticed there was a pr...

How Did You and Daddy Meet?

When my kids asked about the day I met their father I recall that Friday night in 1968 when I had just settled in after a busy week of teaching junior high kids. Here’s what ...

Close Call

[Photo of my son, Herbert T. Brown, III at one year old.--1975-2016] In a recent newsletter, I shared my story of how my planned babies' names were stolen  almost a decade be...

Clean the Kitchen

The aroma would greet us at the door whenever my husband cooked his favorite dish.   “Hm-mm. What’s that?”   I call it “Clean the kitchen,” he’d announce.   He passed in...

Be Your Number One Fan

Be Your Number One Fan: The Key to Leading a Vibrant and Purposeful Life When I set up what a popular social media site used to call a "fan page," there was a tip suggesting ...

A Script of Grief: A Mother's Healing Begins

No matter how many dead people I've seen in murder mysteries in my lifetime, I wasn't prepared for the day I found my 40 year-old son dead from a massive heart attack. But I ...

The Macaroni and Cheese Party

"Hi Mom, whatcha doing?" Ada, my college-junior-daughter began. "At the beauty shop about to get my hair done, so I can't talk long right now. What's up?" " My coworkers and...

Dashing Through the Door

Growing up in the 50's was somewhat like working for Door Dash A neighbor would call to borrow a cup of sugar Whichever kid was nearby Was assigned to deliver it. A finished e...

Are You Missing the Beam?

[Image generated by DALL-E in ChatGPT 4o] At the end of a longitudinal study about the spread of happiness in a social network, a reader commented:"In another more distant ti...

The Faux Pas That Gave Me Pause

Something was wrong. The congregation applauded, giving me a standing ovation. I returned to my seat next to the pastor’s wife on the pulpit, tingling with joy as I scanned ...

Sending you love

You are worthy.  You are valued.  You matter.   tags:  memoir, biography, autobiography, family, history, legacy, letter, preserving, write, life, story, reminisce, memories...

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