Naming Crimes

[Pictured in photo are my four children as young adults.] When my youngest sister brought her first baby home, no one noticed there was a problem.  But an alarm went...

A Script of Grief: A Mother's Healing Begins

No matter how many dead people I've seen in murder mysteries in my lifetime, I wasn't prepared for the day I found my 40 year-old son dead from a massive heart attack. But...

The Macaroni and Cheese Party

"Hi Mom, whatcha doing?" Ada, my college-junior-daughter began. "At the beauty shop about to get my hair done, so I can't talk long right now. What's up?" " My coworkers...

What Does Your Christmas Tree Say About You?

It wasn't until I read a post by another blogger about her less-than-perfect Christmas tree, that I began to reflect on my own tree story. My mother and father always put...

Dashing Through the Door

Growing up in the 50's was somewhat like working for Door Dash A neighbor would call to borrow a cup of sugar Whichever kid was nearby Was assigned to deliver it. A...

Glimpse Inside a Family Time Machine

Glimpse Inside a Family Time Machine Every Tuesday my mother left the house and headed to do her weekly shopping in downtown St. Louis, Missouri. It was the only day other...

Sending you love

You are worthy.  You are valued.  You matter.   tags:  memoir, biography, autobiography, family, history, legacy, letter, preserving, write, life,...

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