How My Mom Became the Side Chick

My sisters and I would occasionally show up cuddling a new kitten or dog from a neighbor's new litter.  We were always greeted with the same response.  "No! You can take tha...

The Impact of Stories on Your Life

As a Guided Autobiography Facilitator and life story coach, I know that writing your life story has many benefits and yet when I was faced with writing my own life story, I ex...

Naming Crimes

[Pictured in photo are me and my four kids around 1983 baking cookies during the holidays.] When my youngest sister brought her first baby home, no one noticed there was a pr...

A Script of Grief: A Mother's Healing Begins

No matter how many dead people I've seen in murder mysteries in my lifetime, I wasn't prepared for the day I found my 40 year-old son dead from a massive heart attack. But I ...

Dashing Through the Door

Growing up in the 50's was somewhat like working for Door Dash A neighbor would call to borrow a cup of sugar Whichever kid was nearby Was assigned to deliver it. A finished e...

Sending you love

You are worthy.  You are valued.  You matter.   tags:  memoir, biography, autobiography, family, history, legacy, letter, preserving, write, life, story, reminisce, memories...

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