Start Your Novel on Nov. 1st with NaNoWriMo

[Image courtesy of National Novel Writing Month]   Every year as trick-or-treaters trail home on Halloween to tally their loot, writers around the world flex their fingers i...

5 Ways to Make a Splash and More Cash at Your Next Book Signing

How did you do at your last book signing? If you're like many authors, you sold three or fewer books. If you expect to do better than this grim statistic, you've got to gear u...

Ready, Set, Write! It’s NaNoWriMo Time, the Race for 50,000 Words

Every year as trick-or-treaters trail home on Halloween to tally their loot, writers around the world flex their fingers in readiness for National Novel Writing Month, better ...

Two Proven Ways to Get Your Book (or Business) Noticed

It’s no mistake that retailers begin pushing back-to-school merchandise months before traditional school openings. They know that capturing customers’ attention early ensures ...

9 Tips for Choosing the Best Title for Your Book

An ad from my local hardware store featured a party cooler for sale. The cooler was pictured filled with ice and canned soda, but printed in parentheses was “Sodas and ice not...

How Do You Write a Book Worth Reading?

This is the most amazing time in history if you want to write a book. Whether you want to write your life story in your own handwriting to be left behind with your will for yo...

5 Ways to Make a Splash and More Cash at Your Next Book Signing

How did you do at your last book signing? If you’re like many authors, you sold three or fewer books. If you expect to do better than this grim statistic, you’ve got to gear...

How to find Online Writer Support Groups

Writing is by its nature a lonely business. We spend our time organizing ideas and fighting back self-doubt, so getting feedback from others can be helpful. Unfortunately, fri...

Are You Willing to Help a Reporter Out, and Help Yourself Too?

Reporters and other media are always under deadlines, so a service like Help a Reporter Out (HARO) is a tremendous help in getting the sources they need for their stories. Whe...

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